Arjan van der Eijk

E.ON Drive Infrastructure


Arjan van der Eijk

The red thread in the vita of Arjan van der Eijk, COO of E.ON Drive Infrastructure, is business transformation. After 10 years as change consultant at Accenture Amsterdam, he worked in several business roles at Essent. 8 years later Arjan moved to Germany and lead multiple international transformations at RWE and innogy Retail. When innogy was acquired by E.ON, Arjan was in charge of integrating the two largest retail units. In 2020 he assumed the role of CEO at innogy eMobility Solutions GmbH. E.ON Drive Infrastructure was carved out of the E.ON organization in 2022. As COO he established a new team, new processes and contracted new partners to become a competitive European CPO In under a year.